From Spam to the Inbox
Email is deeply broken and it's all because of spam filters. Our new product is here to fix that.
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Inboxbooster Fixes Emails in Spam, and Promotion
Inboxbooster is our new tool.
Inbox placement tests are the only way to know if you’re in your inbox. It’s surprisingly hard to tell with modern spam filters. Ours is free, reliable, and unlimited. If you’re paying for some already, it’s a no-brainer to switch to us instead.
We have invented a way to send your email back to the inbox. It’s built on explaining why an email is in spam and how to fix it. We analyze your email and generate a personalized step-by-step fix to-do list.
Since launching our beta, we have had 3,000+ users and executed 100+ resolutions.
Email is the Center of Your Life
It is non-obvious, but if you think about it, email is central to your life. You need an email address to pay your tax, find a job, talk to the administration, get paid, get a bank account, etc. In practice, email is replacing your “physical mailbox.” And this is the center of your life. It’s boring but essential; no one can live without an email address (in Western countries).
You can trace its importance to three reasons:
Everyone has an email address. There are 4B+ email users in the world.
It’s 52 years old; the Lindy Effect states it will be around for many more years
Anyone can send an email to anyone for free. It’s the only mainstream open push network.
I know how to send an email to 4 billion users. Anyone with something meaningful to say to them and who knows the intricacies of email infrastructure can do it. It’s that simple, and it’s that open. It is a genuinely new concept. It is the first time in our history this is possible. This is a beautiful concept. The problem is I can and you cannot.
Google Spam Filters
Google has almost 50% market share in email. Their key innovations happened in 2004 (!): they introduced a lot of storage and a world-class spam filter.
Spam filters are essential. In an open world where anyone can send an email, most emails I receive range from “it’s dangerous” to “I’m not interested.” Spam filters are here so that you can read only the relevant emails. The heart of the problem lies here. As a user, you’re letting Google surfaces email you want to receive, and as a sender, you don’t know if your emails end up in spam and why. In both cases, you can do nothing to fix the problem.
If you disregard phishing emails, 90% of emails in spam could reach inboxes, and 80% of the emails in the promotion tab.
Even if you can influence the Gmail filter, you can’t say to it: “I don’t want to receive cold emails for non-super-cool services.”
If you want to help, check your mailbox: promotion tab and spam and give the false positive you see: total received, the number of days in the box, how many in spam were actual phishing/spam, and how many emails you didn’t want to see. Same for promotion.
Sometimes the consequences are dramatic. For instance, one of our customers was sending an ERP payment invitation; the email was expected by recipients (they were suppliers), and money was delivered at the end of the process. It was in spam on outlook because of a character in the URL.
A Structural Blind Spot
Google doesn’t really care if you send emails to their users. They tried to help with this tool, but it’s not enough.
Senders are in spam for a combination of:
Incorrect Email DNS Setup. We detect them and fix them for free.
Bad Reputation. Mailbox providers score IPs and domains from their past behavior.
Content Filter, the content of your emails triggers the filters.
Usually, the root cause is a combination of these factors, and they compound. For instance, your DMARC is wrongly set up and triggers Gmail to send all your emails to spam. Because nobody is marking the email as "not spam," Gmail decides that your email is spam. Now your domain and your content have a bad reputation. You fixed your DMARC, but your emails are still going to spam because of what happened.
How Inboxbooster Fixes Email
Our key idea is to give senders a clear explanation as to why they’re in spam with remediation steps. The remediation is about making your emails comply with what the spam filters want. Most senders (at least those we’ve worked with) comply if you explain what to do. This is what our new service is doing.
Also, we have open-sourced an MTA. It’s already used to send a few million emails / per month.
Bonus: Aren’t You Helping Spammers?
No, because what we really do is help senders comply with spam filter requirements. They have an ever-changing set of obscure requirements, and they want emails to be sent to
Inboxbooster gives the sender control over their deliverability. This means if they’re in spam, we detect it and explain to them what to do to get out of the spam box.
Bonus: How to Help? Try Us!
We already have over 3,000 users. It’s a very new product; we’re a two-people company. Every dollar, feedback, and message matter!